Well, I have to say that everything is going great, and I have nothing to complain about. The people we are teaching are just awesome, but at the same
time it has required me to work very hard. The people that we are teaching have
many doubts, concerns, questions, and comments. I’ve never had to focus so much on our investigators
because they just require our attention; calling them every day and making sure
that everything is ok, but then when I call I just find that they are still
confused about what we taught them. We really don’t speak the same language as
these people. Yes, we speak Italian to
them, but the gospel is a completely different language than what they are used
to. One thing I know for sure is that the language of the spirit is universal and
if they can listen to that language, then they will know the truth. It’s been difficult but I’m very happy with
what we have. I try to be thankful because I know all this good work won’t last
forever. As much as I would like it to, eventually we will be back to the
streets looking for people to teach.
Anziano Benson and Davis with??? |
I’m doing well and I’m searching to learn something every
day. There isn’t a day that goes by that you can’t learn something new. It’s
interesting that as many times as I have studied preach my gospel chapter 3
that I can always learn something more. It’s great. The time to just study the scriptures
is one of my favorite times of the day. I always find really cool verses that
go perfect for the lessons.
Anzianos Guzzle and Benson |
The baptismal dates have been put on hold for now
because we still have some doctrinal issues to work out with everyone, but for
now things are still going well. I don’t think I’ve ever prayed for our
investigators as much as I have in these last 3 months. I’ve been praying
because we really need the hand of God in the lives of these people and well,
they haven’t seen it yet. So we are just all asking the question when? When
will He answer their prayers? When will He speak to them through the spirit,
and when will they decide that this is the one true church? Oh I’m 100% of the
time concerned about all these people who make up 5 investigators who are all
in the boat of uncertainty about the message we have presented. I’m not sure
what to do anymore. We have tried so
hard with them, but it’s down to the point where they have to accept or reject
the message. We are waiting for 5 answers this week from each of these people.
We have taught them, expounded the doctrine to them, and taught them how to
pray and find answers to their prayers so we are hoping that we will get 5
yeses and not 5 no’s after 3 months of teaching these people. It’s going to be a tough week I can tell, but
it’s also exciting so I’m really happy for everything. At the end of the day I
know who is running this show, and thank goodness it’s not me. It’s the good
one above. He’s so much better at managing all this than I am, so I’m glad we
are on the same team here. Well those are my thoughts for the week. I love you
all and you are all so great. I’m thankful for the gospel.
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