Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

December 18, 2013

Well sounds like a good week of fun. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Well news here is that this week we are doing a Christmas recital and I got volunteered to play the piano. I’m not sure how but that’s what it has come down to. They don’t want me to play just some hymns. They want me to blast the audience with some arias from one of the world’s famous operas La Scala........???  Who do they think I am?! I’m not that good at the piano, but they gave me no other choice. So zero practice I will be performing 3 songs that I have never even heard of. Even better I don’t have time to run through them. This will be interesting. I’m just not going to stress about it. I am going to try to find a solution. Pray for me.  I need it.
Christmas money. What?  I think my jaw hit the ground when I read this. Ok, I think will be weird to have some money. I do not know how long it has been since I had money to spend?! Last Christmas was the last time that I spend more than €15.  I don’t know what to do with it. Thanks Grandmas.  It will serve me well when I get home because all my stuff is DESTROYED!  Totally! My suits are so trashed, my coat has holes, my shoes have holes, and my backpack was destroyed with chocolate because I put some in and forgot about it.  I will keep my eye open for suites.  I’m not sure what to get but I would like to save some money for when I get back.  It just hit me that I have like next to nothing at home.  I will have to get a job subito as they say in Italian. I’m not too worried about all that though. Looks like Drew will have start being a big boy and providing for himself. Tough luck!
Well this week we have seen some miracles! We have this lady that we have been teaching for about 3 or 4 months and she has made some good progress. She has progressed so much and we fasted together with her this last week and she got answers to her prayers! It’s hard to explain the whole story but just know that the fast changed everything! It’s been great! 
Then for the people we are working with to get married. They have agreed to marry, but we don’t have a marriage date yet!  We are working on it and they will most likely be married next February or March. They have to plan everything. We will be having another marriage late January. We have found 2 new families totaling to 7 new people to teach! What a miracle. I think the Lord is giving us very Merry Christmas! It’s not all roses though we have been working very hard. I think we are late home every evening. It’s exhausting most of the time but it’s rewarding. Also another lady that I taught back in Lecco got baptized down in Lodi! Super cool!
Milan East Zone Christmas Conference
We are staying busy with the zone and doing tons of scambi (splits). Christmas will be pretty crazy here. 7 days of madness. Here everyone is partying like it’s the end of the world. Literally! It’s a madhouse here this time of year! But it’s beautiful.

I got some Italian cook books to brush up on my cooking. I will bring them home with me so I can teach you guys how a pizza is really done! And of course some bomb pasta. We just need some good cheese though. That’s the secret is having good cheese and fresh ingredients.
Well not much to report on here. We see miracles every day though! We have been so very blessed to see the sun for 3 weeks straight here. I’m so thankful for it every day of my life! The weather is being kind to us. Nice for me who has to go around on bikes? I think it will get nasty though in January. It usually does.
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Buon Natale Buone feste! Auguri! Babo natale è vicino! In questo momento dovremmo ricordare più l'esempio di Gesù Cristo. Sono molto grato per le persone qui in italia che hanno un buon spirito di amore, e non si menziona il loro appettito per mangiare! Vi amo tantissimo i miei genitori e care sorelle. Cos' Avete fatto qest'oggi per aiutare qualcun altro. Grazie per tutto quello che fatte

Anziano Benson

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